Directions to Campus
Students and families should take NYS Interstate 190 to Exit 11, the 198 Scajaquada Expressway. Once on the 198 Scajaquada Expressway, take the first exit (Grant Street, Buffalo State University). Students in Towers 1 – 4 or Moore Complex should proceed forward through the traffic light, while students living in Bengal, Bishop, Neumann or the Student Apartment Complex (STAC), should turn right at the traffic light.
Arrival to Campus
All students are asked to arrive to campus during your assigned check in time. All students will need to have a state ID or their Bengal card to check in. Please make sure you have an ID with you to check in. If you are unable to arrive at your scheduled check in time, please attempt to arrive as close to your scheduled time as possible. There is no need to request an alternate check in time.
Check In Process
When arriving to campus students will go to their assigned Hall, retrieve their room keys and get a moving cart. Then students will unload their vehicle onto the moving cart and bring their items to their room. Residents are encouraged to bring their own moving carts if they are able to do so.