Academic Residential Communities (ARCs) allow students with the same academic interests to live and study together. Consider requesting to be in an ARC on your Housing and Dining application


Honors ARC

Honors students often want a place to live that balances community, social connections, and academic success. The Honors Academic Residential Community (ARC) offers high-achieving residents the opportunity to live together and access communal spaces for studying, relaxing, and socializing.


The Den ARC (Roar 2 Success)

The Den is a residential community designed to support first-year R.O.A.R. (Recognizing Opportunities Achieving Results) 2 Success students academically, socially, and personally. Within this community, students will live and learn alongside one another while building a foundation for success.


Sankofa ARC

As a member, you will build community while engaging in thought-provoking conversations, cross-cultural dialogue, and contemporary issues affecting African and African American communities. Sankofa ARC is more than a place to live—it’s a space where you will find purpose, challenge assumptions, and cultivate a vision for a better world. 


The Studio ARC

Students who live in The Studio will be grouped with like-minded friends in the Performing Arts. Music, theater, and television and film arts majors share common interests and busy extra-curricular lives. Consider living with people who are as committed to their craft as you are to yours! There is also the opportunity to create cross-curricular collaboration projects and activities with people you meet in your suite!


LGBT Gender Inclusive ARC

Students living in the LGBT Gender Inclusive ARC look to live in a community where all members are supportive of the LGBT community. Students living in the LGBT Gender Inclusive ARC are able to live in double rooms with another individual regardless of their gender identity. Students in this community will engage in conversations around the experiences of people in the LGBT community.